Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Is There a Cure for Sleep Apnea?

!9# Is There a Cure for Sleep Apnea?

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People who have sleep apnea stop breathing for a period of 10 to 30 seconds when they sleep. This decade short of breath can occur up to 400 times each night. There are two types of sleep Upon your: obstructive and central. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep disorder. Let's talk about 'the cure for all types of sleep apnea.

The cure for sleep apnea is to restore normal breathing at night and the relief of symptoms such as targetsnoring heavily. It will also help associated medical problems, like high blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attacks.

1 Changes in habits

Personal habits and sometimes a cure for sleep apnea.

a. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs for sleep

b. If you are overweight, you should reduce. Can improve even a small weight loss can help you in your symptoms and a cure for sleep apnea.

c. Sleeping on your side instead ofback. Sleeping on your side can help open the throat. They are people with moderate or severe sleep apnea, in order to make such changes, and to treat sleep apnea.

2 continuous positive pressure

To treat sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the most common method used for people with sleep apnea. For this treatment for sleep apnea, you have a mask over the nose during sleep. The mask blows air into the throat at a pressure level which is exactlyfor you. The increase of air pressure to open the throat during sleep. The atmospheric pressure so that just enough to keep the flights short too small during sleep, the last leg of a cure for sleep apnea, is set.

This treatment, in order to treat sleep apnea may help you stop snoring. Stop snoring does not mean that you no longer sleep. Normally, a technician will come to your home to bring the CPAP equipment.


Some people with sleep apnea may benefit from surgery. The type of surgery depends on the cause of sleep apnea. The surgery can be done to remove the tonsils and adenoids if they are blocking the airway.

4 Drug Therapy

There is no medical cure for sleep apnea in obstructive sleep apnea. Oral administration of methylxanthine theophylline also helps as a remedy for sleep apnea, but it can also lead to side effects such as palpitations and insomnia. Theophylline isgenerally ineffective in adults with OSA, but is sometimes used to treat central sleep apnea.

5 Bi-Level

Another type of treatment for sleep apnea is also known as bi-level, using an electronic circuit, verify the patient's breathing, and is pleased to announce two different pressures, a higher one during inhalation and lower pressure during exhalation.

Is There a Cure for Sleep Apnea?

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is BIPAP / CPAP therapy?

!9# What is BIPAP / CPAP therapy?

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CPAP therapy

The abbreviation (CPAP) is the acronym for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. CPAP is used to apply patients with sleep apnea, upper airway obstruction.

CPAP is a fan of simple breathing patients with sleep apnea during sleep using our host, after a study of polysomnography in a sleep laboratory.

If a patient has sleep apnea and their upper airway through the nasal cavity, the palatal tissue, or hinder the base of the tongue (hypopharynx). But inThere may be all upper airway.

CPAP keeps the upper airway disorder, carried by a constant flow of air through a mask during sleep, in fact forcing the airway to remain open so that the patient can breathe and relieve apnea.

There are many types of such machines on the market, which basically do the same thing. Usually a small, compact device that attaches to both tubes that carry air to thePatients during periods of rest. Some models have a c-flex and humidifier settings and makes it easier to exhale heated.

There are also various types of face mask that can be worn with continuous positive airway pressure machines in the airways. Straps that go around the head and drags you to the mask in place to maintain in order to discourage escapes.

Complications with CPAP

Some patients are unable to be with a mask all night, seriously reducing the benefits of this modeTreatment.

Still other patients want to have a good night's sleep without a mask, so choose the surgery.

Patients who experience dizziness when using CPAP therapy, chest tightness, the risk for developing sleep apnea or complex (CSA), dry nose, sneezing, runny nose, nasal bleeding, in extreme cases, infection around the lining brain.

Sleep tight through this with your doctor and therapist, you will be able to determine the correct settings for the foot.


Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure, is similar to CPAP therapy, however, is with the BiPAP therapy, there are two different pressure settings for the patient.

Patients treated with BiPAP therapy were found to have breathing problems in sleep.

Provides continuous positive airway pressure or pressure (CPAP) machine, is a constant flow of airway pressure during exhalation and inhilation.

BiPAP therapy is used to treat more than sleep apnea.The BiPAP machine can detect how much pressure a patient needs and provide sufficient air pressure in inspiration and expiration.

The BiPAP machine can double the settings as much air into the patient, and from the lungs without the normal muscular activity required to do so.

Bilevel positive airway pressure is very useful for people who have heart failure and various types of lung disease, especially patients who have normal course ofOf carbon dioxide.

BiPAP therapy is to breathe for the treatment of central sleep apnea is a sleep disorder caused by the failure of the brain to the chest muscles are characterized signal used.

New BiPAP machines are now on the market, the Bi-Flex is a very useful feature that provides pressure relief for the smooth transition between the end of the IPAP and EPAP early.

Complications associated with BiPAP therapy

Complications arising from the use of bilevel positive airway pressure, some areMask symptoms develop, some injured patients and numbness around the area mask.

In addition, there are already documented cases of patients with bloating from swallowing air, and

As always, it is best to consult your doctor about the kind of pap therapy is right for you to decide.

What is BIPAP / CPAP therapy?

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sleep Apnea Machine - CPAP and BiPAP machines for sleep disorders

!9# Sleep Apnea Machine - CPAP and BiPAP machines for sleep disorders

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Sleep apnea is a medical condition of the human body, in which an individual is not breathing for a brief fraction of time during sleep at night. This process can sleep for a few seconds occurred repeatedly over a longer period. This disturbance in the breathing process leads to disturbed sleep and is a major cause of fatigue and daytime sleepiness.

The cause of this problem is typical of an unhealthy lifestyle for a lot of stress and obesity. The saddest thingPart of the story is that many people do not realize the severity of sleep disorder, and doctors tend to it for a long time, continue to ignore the problem, which worsened to serious problems such as heart failure.

When a person looking for a permanent solution, you can opt for surgery, if he has sleep apnea do not prefer light and then go under the knife of sleep apnea and CPAP BiPAP machines are the perfect choice for him. Both machines have the same function.They help a person to breathe air into the nose through a compressed air line.

Although both types of machines have the same function, but differ in terms of cost and versatility. CPAP is the most economical machines sleep apnea, where the air is pushed into the nose during inhalation only. These are two portable and inexpensive and is used by people who have used the lowest risk in this area.

The BiPAP machine is more advanced form of CPAP, where the pressureis maintained in order to make a person breathes during both inhalation and exhalation. And 'recommended for people with severe sleep apnea patients. The BiPAP breathing machine has a monitor that the number of breaths per minute per person monitored. In the event that a person loses a couple of breaths, the machine automatically the pressure, forcing air into the nose to help him breathe properly. The BiPAP machine is more convenient because they are equipped with a pressure regulator face maskthat adjusts the pressure according to patient's needs as opposed to the CPAP device.

The advanced form of CPAP is a CPAP device, which automatically adjusts the pressure in the mask during breathing known, so that a patient is relieved to exert undue pressure during breathing. The usefulness of the machine sleep apnea can be expanded through the use of accessories for different machines, such as a humidifier, breathing-counter, cotton masks, mask shirts, etc., to makeA more pleasant and comfortable for the patient

It should be noted, however, that these machines only provide external assistance to be. A patient who suffers from sleep apnea may recover completely if he unobtrusive help and emotional support of his whole family to do with it.

Sleep Apnea Machine - CPAP and BiPAP machines for sleep disorders

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